[good]men arrive primed to advance their “works > in > progress”.

Between what we know and what we’re seeking next.

A feeling that we’re on the verge of transition.

A desire to become grounded and aligned again.

A choice to seek brothers, to be in the company of other [good]men seeking the same as you.

Hey. I’m Christian.

In 2017, I began hosting my first monthly “Bourbon + Bonfire” men’s gathering. At first, I thought the value of the gathering was about hanging out and sharing great bourbon. I soon realized it was about listening closely and building brotherhood.

For the first 2 years of Covid, I hosted the online “The Oh, Shit Sessions”, a 2x/week global men’s gathering exploring how men can show up for one another as we navigate constant uncertainty. And we did so simply to listen and to understand.

In 2024, I launched [good]men as a way to design immersive experiences that fuel purposeful conversations and connections between men bringing genuine “works > in > progress” from their lives to explore throughout each gathering.

I created [good]men and its “works > in > progress” focus as an extension of my [bon]fire studio.

My Intention:

Help men experience ‘being present’ for each other so they can experience ‘being present’ for others.

My truth:

I never imagined any version of me joining, supporting, creating, or guiding ‘men’s work’.

Grew up in an uncertain relationship with most males. Lots of fight-or-flight situations. Most times, I just connected with guys casually, on a superficial level. Real trust or brotherhood felt out-of-reach.


"men-torship" networking meetups